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0-3 Months Baby
- Turns head towards you when spoken to
- Social smiling
- Makes eye-contact and shows interest in you
- Coos and vocalises other than crying
- When lying on tummy – lifts and holds head up. Also pushes up on arms
- Brings hands to mouth
- Open and closes fists
- Moves arms and legs when excited
- Moves eyes to visually track objects
- Begin exploring objects & their body through touch
- Preference for high-contrast patterns e.g. black & white images
- Like to suck to self-soothe
3-6 Months Baby
- Listens & responds when spoken to
- Begins to babble
- Imitates sounds & facial expressions
- Uses babbling to gain your attention
- Starts to roll & sits with support
- While supported will weight bear on both legs
- Reaches both hands to play with feet
- Uses both hands to explore toys
- Brings hands and objects to mouth
- Preference for colourful objects
- Able to calm with rocking, touch and gentle sounds
- Enjoys a variety of movements